After Moving In

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The rest of March was spent cleaning up the huge piles of garbage that were left and burning the burnable stuff and filling up the trash cans each week with the rest. I also put on all the rest of the doors.
The drywall guy came and taped the garage so we could start pulling our cars in legally. We got the road base put down for the driveway.
The cement guys came back and finished pouring the sidewalk, front porch, wraparound porch and stairs in the front, and the basement walkout and stairs in the rear, as well as the pads for the kitchen stairs and garage door. I filled the window wells in with the leftover gravel. My dad bought four trees for me and we planted two in the front and two on the west side. He also gave me their old swingset which we re-assembled in the backyard.
Travis fixed the drop box that was holding up the cabinet guy from finishing the crown molding. I touched up the paint on the drop box and other areas that we had missed or had been damaged after painting. Edith stained all the rough timbers on the front porch.
We started rocking on the east side of the garage. Here is a current picture of the front.