Week 18

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Monday, December 31st
New Years Eve (nothing happened).
Tuesday, January 1st
New Years Day. Jake and I installed 5 of the interior doors.
Wednesday, January 2nd
The stucco guy rigged up more tarps and did the base coat on the east and south of the garage. The materials for shelving and trim were delivered. Edith swept and vacuumed the drywall dust off of the second floor.
Thursday, January 3rd
Utah Power came and hooked up our electric meter finally, so the furnace is running off of the real power now. Travis came and set up his tools upstairs, and started working on the upstairs hall closets. The stucco guy did the base coat on some of the eastern wall of the house.
Friday, January 4th
The stucco guy worked more on the eastern wall of the house. The garage door was installed. Travis and some of his friends finished the upstairs hall closets and installed the closet organizers in the kids' bedroom closets.
Saturday, January 5th
The stucco guy put up more tarps so the whole house is now covered. Edith and I cleaned and swept the basement and swept and vacuumed all the drywall dust off the main floor.